Drills for Beginner Volleyball Players

Have you just started your journey to the sport of volleyball? If so, you need to go a long way to become a great volleyball player. It’s crucial for beginners to learn the basics of volleyball game first. Obviously, every volleyball player has to develop hitting, blocking, passing, setting as well as serving volleyball skills.
Luckily, there are many good drills that beginners need to do in order to achieve success in the sport of volleyball. After that, athletes can focus on the more complicated training to develop their skills and get better at volleyball.
Initially, beginners have to concentrate on simple volleyball drills which are easy to do. How to get started with volleyball? What are the best volleyball drills for beginners? What does it take to be a good volleyball player? Below, you’ll be able to get the answers to all these important questions.
Spike and Receive
Spike and receive is one of the best volleyball drills for beginners. What is great about this type of volleyball drill is that it makes it possible for volleyball players to master ball control and switch from spiking to receiving quickly.
This volleyball drill has to be performed by a pair of players. Each of pair should have a ball. Initially, a volleyball player has to make an overhand pass. Then, an athlete has to hit the ball off the floor. As a result, the ball goes to the second volleyball player. The second player does the same and the drill goes on. When hitting the ball a volleyball player has to focus rather on the accuracy than on the power.
Triangle Drill
It’s another good volleyball drill for beginners. If a volleyball player does this drill regularly, he/she will find it easy to make quick lateral movements over the time. As a result, an athlete will be able to approach to the ball quickly if such a need arises. Plus, this type of drill gives volleyball players an opportunity to master their passing skills.
It’s worth noting that the triangle drill is very simple. First of all, volleyball players need to create a triangle on the court. The distance between volleyball players have to be approximately 6 – 7 feet. Two of volleyball players will perform the role of a tosser on the court during the drill. The third volleyball player has to move from side to side in front of tossers. The tosser‘s job is to make a good pass to a volleyball player. A volleyball player must be ready to receive the pass and return the ball back to a tosser.
One Legged Balance Jumps
Volleyball beginners are also recommended to do one legged balance jumps. It’s important to note that doing this type of jumps has a positive impact on volleyball player’s strength and body balance. Another big advantage is that jumps of this type are easy to do.
Traditionally, volleyball beginners find it easy to do one legged balance jumps. All they need to do is to jump from the right leg and then land on the left leg. If a player jumps from the left leg, then he/she has to land on the right leg. Athletes can do as many jumps as they want.
Simple Spiking Drill
Teaching the basics of hitting is not always easy. That’s why volleyball players, who want to become successful attackers, need to concentrate on volleyball spiking drills for beginners. It’s incredibly important to introduce hitting to volleyball beginners in the correct way.
Simple spiking drill is easy to do. The drill consists of two stages. Initially, volleyball players have to create the line on one side of the court. Afterwards, volleyball players have to approach to the hitting place and get their feet to the ball. Now, it’s time for a volleyball player has to focus on the footwork. A right handed volleyball player has to use the so called three step approach (right, left and right-left) to get to the ball quickly. Then, a volleyball player needs to take the correct position and get his/her arm swing down.
Bounce Up and Receive Drill
The bounce up and receive drill is the type of a drill that delivers multiple significant benefits to volleyball beginners and experienced players. Obviously, the bounce up and receive drill includes elements of blocking. That means that this drill needs to be performed by volleyball players who want to become successful blockers. It’s widely known that having a high jump is particularly important for volleyball players of all skill levels. The reality is, doing the bounce up and receive drill positively affects volleyball player’s jump. And of course, the drill offers a great way of practicing volleyball passing skills.
This drill needs to be performed by two volleyball players. Initially, two volleyball athletes have to stand in front of each other and prepare for the drill. Volleyball players need to throw the ball to each other during the drill. Once the first volleyball player sends the ball high in the air, he/she has to jump up and make a blocking attempt. The second player has to receive the ball and do the same. While doing this drill a volleyball player should aim as high as possible.
The Pepper Drill
The cool thing about the pepper drill is that it teaches volleyball players how to control the ball effectively during the game. Plus, volleyball players will be able to improve their serve-and-receive technique over time if they perform this drill on a regular basis. Additionally, practicing the so called pepper drill positively affects volleyball player’s reaction time. Thus, volleyball players who do this drill usually react to the game faster.
The pepper drill requires two volleyball players as well as a ball. Initially, volleyball players need to stand in front of each others. The distance between volleyball players have to be about 2 meters. The drill begins and the first volleyball player passes the ball to the second volleyball player. After that, the second player receives the ball and passes it back to the first player. Volleyball players should aim to continue performing this drill as long as possible.
Slow Motion Dig
There is no better way to practice volleyball digging skills than slow motion dig drill. Volleyball players need to perform this type of drill in order to be able to prevent the ball from landing on the court. The drill is performed by two volleyball players.
It all begins with preparation. It’s incredibly important for athletes to be well-prepared for the drill. The first player goes to the attacking side of the court. The second player goes to the opposing side of the court (receiving side). A volleyball player on the receiving part of the court has to keep his/her legs shoulder width apart, wrists together and his/her knees have to be bent. The volleyball player on the attacking side of the court hits the ball and tries to land it on the opposing side of the court. The job of the volleyball player on the receiving side of the court is to dig the ball and make a pass to a teammate.
Catch and Volley Over the Net
This drill needs to be performed by a pair of volleyball players. Two volleyball players have to position themselves on two different sides of the court. The first volleyball player sends the ball to the opposing side of the court. The job of the second volleyball player is to catch the ball first. Then the second volleyball player sends the ball back to the first player, who does the same. Catch and volley over the net drill has to be done the certain number of repetitions.
When doing this type of drill, a volleyball player has to catch the ball in the right way. An athlete has to be well-prepared for catching the ball. A volleyball athlete has to bend his/her knees and point his/her fingers up in advance. A volleyball player should create a diamond shape with his/her fingers as well. And of course, volleyball players need to watch the game carefully and keep a close eye on the ball all the time.
Thanks you so much for reading this article. As you can see, we’ve just described some of the best drills for beginning volleyball players. These volleyball drills are simple and they provide athletes with an easy way of mastering/improving basic skills. Obviously, these drills need to be a key part of a volleyball player’s training program. Do these volleyball drills regularly and don’t fall into despair if something goes wrong at the beginning. Learning basic volleyball skills requires dedication, hard work as well as patience and time. However, you’ll be able to achieve great success over time if you do these drills for beginning volleyball players consistently. Sooner or later, you’ll be able to learn the fundamentals of volleyball. Best of luck!