Benefits of Weight Training for Volleyball Players

We all know that weight training (also known as strength and conditioning) is used for the athletic development and physical preparation in many different kinds of sport. And of course, the sport of volleyball is no exception.
There has been a lot of talk about the importance of weight training for volleyball. The topic of weight training for volleyball itself is very debatable. There are experts who don’t recommend volleyball players to do weight training. On the other hand, the vast majority of volleyball coaches choose to make weight training a part of their athletic development program. It’s worth noting that volleyball players choose to do weight training for a number of reasons. Weight training is recommended for building strength and power, increasing a vertical jump, improving explosiveness and lateral movements, improving serve and hit, increasing flexibility, improving body balance and preventing different types of volleyball injuries. In fact, the list of benefits of weight training for volleyball players could go on and on.
There is the evidence that weight training is something that helps volleyball players improve their performance on the court dramatically. In this blog, you’ll get an exciting opportunity to discover the most significant benefits of weight training for volleyball.
Weight Training Is About Building Power and Strength
Volleyball players need strength and power to jump higher, carry out powerful attack hits and serve the ball forcefully. Athletes also need to build strength and power to be able to set the ball in an efficient way.
Weight training is a great way to build power as well as strength for volleyball. That means that a volleyball athlete has to focus on weight training if he/she would like to become a powerful and strong player.
A volleyball player’s weight training program has to include exercises for developing the agility, exercises for building lower-body power and explosiveness as well as exercises for shoulder and upper-back strength. It makes a lot of sense for volleyball players to do push press exercises with dumbbells as well as lunge weight lifting exercises.
Weight Training Helps Athletes Increase a Vertical Jump for Volleyball
It’s no surprise that a volleyball player has to jump many times during the game. Oftentimes, a volleyball athlete has to jump explosively. That’s why it’s so important for volleyball players to have a high vertical jump. The ability to jump high is particularly important for volleyball blockers and volleyball attackers.
Quick hips as well as core stability is something that helps volleyball players jump higher during games. In order to be able to jump high volleyball players obviously have to work hard in a
weight room and do the right type of weight exercises. A volleyball player should aim to do exercises that strengthen the muscles of legs and hips.
Luckily, a weight training program includes many great exercises that make it possible for an athlete to increase a vertical jump. It’s a great idea for an athlete to focus on exercises like deadlifts and squats as well as push press and lateral jumps.
Weight Training Improves Food Speed Dramatically
Every volleyball player must be able to move quickly in any direction on the court and there is no question about it. Weight training has a profound positive impact on volleyball player’s lateral movements. That’s the reason why agility drills needs to be a part of volleyball player’s weight training program. A volleyball player will be able to move much better on the court over time if he/she works hard in the weight room.
Weight Training Allows Volleyball Players to Serve and Hit the Ball More Forcefully
A serve means the beginning of the game and a rally in the sport of volleyball. Plus, volleyball players need to hit the ball and try to win points for their team. What is great about weight training is that this type of training gives volleyball players an excellent opportunity to develop strength and power. The reality is regular weight training results in faster arm swing, increased spike touch, greater trunk rotation, better core strength and more powerful approach.
In other words, weight training provides volleyball players with everything that’s needed to carry out a powerful attack hit. As a result, volleyball players will be able to serve and hit the ball more forcefully. If the ball is hit forcefully, the opponent team’s players may find it difficult to resist an attack hit.
Weight Training Results in Better Flexibility
Another important thing that you need to be aware of is that the sport of volleyball requires flexibility. If a volleyball athlete has a flexible body, his/her muscles will work together successfully and also the stress on his/her joints will be minimized significantly. Flexibility allows volleyball players to improve a technique and do a better job on the court. Weight training is something that makes volleyball players more flexible. If a volleyball player does weight exercises on a regular basis, then he/she is likely to become more flexible over time.
Weight Training is Good for Building Balanced Strength
It’s crucial for a volleyball player to have a well-balanced body. So, a volleyball player will be able to react to the game and move in any direction on the court quickly if such a necessity arises. You should know that weight training improves volleyball player’s ability to stabilize his/her body on the ground and in the air.
Weight Training Plays a Key Role in Injury Prevention
Weak volleyball players often get different types of injuries during games and practices. Among the most common volleyball injuries are: ankle injuries, back injuries, hand injuries, knee injuries, Patello-Femoral syndrome, shoulder impingements, shin splints, tendonitis and many others. Some athletes experience lower back pain.
It’s clear that every volleyball player should do everything possible to prevent these kinds of things from happening. The truth is that it may take a volleyball player too long to recover if he/she gets injured.
Actually, weight training is all about strengthening muscles of a body. It’s important to point out that doing weight training exercises on a regular basis reduces the risk of volleyball injuries significantly. Weight training helps volleyball players get stronger and prevent different types of injuries.
However, it’s not always possible to prevent volleyball injuries from happening. You’ll not be able to find a volleyball player who has never been injured during games and matches. Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong and volleyball athletes get injured. If the worst happens and a volleyball player gets injured, then he/she obviously has to do every single thing possible to recover as soon as possible.
On the other hand, an athlete doesn’t have to hurry up to prevent being re-injured again. The help of weight training is immeasurable in the recovery process. The truth is that volleyball players, who do weight training, usually recover from injuries much faster.
Weight Training is Important for Creating Healthy Team Culture
It’s widely known that the success of every volleyball team largely depends on its culture. That’s why it’s so important for coaches and volleyball players to build an extraordinary team culture. The job of a head coach is to create an environment where each member of his/her volleyball team will feel comfortable. Volleyball players should be friends and help each other make a progress. And of course, it would be great for volleyball players to do weight training workouts together. In this case, weight training will bring volleyball players together. Without a doubt, such a volleyball team has a great chance for success!
Thank you so much for reading this article. As you can see, weight training delivers multiple significant benefits to volleyball players of all skill levels. That’s why so many athletes choose to take advantage of weight training. Use the power of weight training to become a better volleyball player. Best of luck!