The Importance of Decision Making in Volleyball

By Mississauga Volleyball Research Staff
Decision making plays a key role in the sport of volleyball. Volleyball players often have to make decisions during the game. That’s why decision making is a very important volleyball skill. So, volleyball players should constantly improve decision making in volleyball and try their best to get better.
A volleyball player should read the game and analyze the situation on the court carefully all the time. Depending on the situation, a volleyball player should make decisions. That means that the ability to make decisions is crucial to the success of a volleyball team and each of its players.
The reality is, volleyball is a very fast and dynamic game. Every volleyball player has to make decision on the court during a game. That’s why making quick and smart decisions is incredibly important for achieving success in the game.
In this blog, we’ll dig deeper into decision making in volleyball sport. We’ll discuss various aspects of decision making in volleyball and explain what key decisions volleyball players have to make during the game. Plus, we’ll walk you through the decision making process in volleyball. On top of that, we’ll provide volleyball players with tips that they need to follow to build team’s decision-making skills.
So, let’s get started.
Volleyball Players Have to Analyze the Game Carefully and Make the Correct Actions on the Court
There are different situations that make happen on the court during the game. Sometimes, volleyball players need to focus on team’s defense and do a block. On the other hand, volleyball players may need to organize a successful attack hit.
Sometimes, things don’t go as planned during a volleyball game. In this case, a volleyball player has to react to the situation quickly and make changes to his/her strategies. Volleyball players must be ready to make changes anytime. Making changes means making decisions.
It’s important to note that volleyball players work closely together on the court. No matter what actions volleyball players have to take during the game, they have to make smart decisions and take actions depending on the given situation.
Choosing the Correct Position on the Court
Each volleyball player has his/her own responsibilities on the court. Volleyball players move constantly and take different positions on the court during the game. Athletes may need to go to different parts of the court during a volleyball game.
Choosing a position on the court is one of the most important decisions that volleyball players have to make during a game. It’s crucial for volleyball players to be at the right place at the right time. A volleyball player may need to select a distance between him/her and net. Depending on the given play situation, volleyball players may need to move closer to the net or go further from the net.
And of course, volleyball players should aim to take the optimal positions on the court during the game. When making a decision on what positions it would be better to take in the given play situation, volleyball players have to take into account different factors. Volleyball players need to understand where their teammates and opponents are located on the court. So, a volleyball player has to watch his/her teammates and opponents carefully all the time.
The performance of an athlete depends a lot on a position he/she takes on the court during a game. A volleyball player has to select the correct distance between him/her and his/her teammates on the court. A volleyball player should read the game and take actions depending on the situation. The main task of a volleyball player is to take the position where he/she will be able to perform in the best possible way.
Choosing the Right Time for Taking an Action on the Court
The optimal timing plays a very important role in the success of a volleyball team. It’s incredibly important for volleyball players to take an action on the court at the right time.
It would be better for volleyball players to start preparing for their actions in advance. That’s why volleyball players should watch the game closely all the time. When a moment comes, volleyball players should take an action as soon as possible. Volleyball players should act quickly and effectively.
Let’s say that you are a blocker, who is responsible for volleyball team’s defense. In this case, you have to start preparing for resisting attacks in advance. Initially, you have to get closer to the net. When you see that one of the opposing team’s hitters is about to carry out an attack, then jump as high as possible and make an attempt to do a successful block. If you choose the right moment for a block, then you’ll be able to resist the opposing team’s attacks successfully and prevent the ball from landing on your side of the court.
Determining the Trajectory and Direction of a Ball
Volleyball hitters often make decisions during the game as well. The main goal of volleyball hitters is to land the ball on the opposite side of the court and earn as many points for a team as it’s possible.
And of course, hitters should try their best to make it difficult for the opposite team’s volleyball players to resist an attack. The accuracy is incredibly important for volleyball hitting. If you do everything correctly, then a ball will be landed in the right place on the court.
Determining the Hitting Power
Actually, the same can be said about hitting power. Oftentimes, attackers have to hit forcefully to allow a ball to go through the opposite team’s blockers successfully. When you hit the ball with power, it may go in the wrong direction. In this case, you’ll find it difficult to resist an attack hit.
Decision Making in Volleyball Passing
It goes without saying that a pass is a key element of a volleyball game. When an attack hit has been resisted, a volleyball player should try to make an accurate pass and send the ball to one of his/her teammates.
And of course, it’s necessary to make an accurate pass to a teammate. If a pass is accurate, your teammate will be able to handle the ball easily and successfully.
It would be great for a volleyball passer to know where each of his/her teammates is located on the court. In this case, a volleyball player will be able to make decisions quickly.
Decision Making in Volleyball Setting
Setting is a key element of a volleyball attack. The main job of a setter is to help volleyball players in organizing attack hits. A setter can help a hitter a lot during a game. That’s why it’s so important for a setter to do his/her job on the court in the best possible way.
A setter is a volleyball player, who makes important decisions during the game. A volleyball player should decide how to set the ball. It’s possible to set the ball in a number of different ways. A setter should know hitter’s preferences very well and try to set the ball in the best possible way. In other words, a setter should do his/her best to make it easy for the opposing team’s attackers to hit the ball successfully.
It’s worth noting that the success of a volleyball setter depends a lot on how well he/she knows his/her team’s hitters. A setter should communicate a lot with a hitter. During communication, volleyball players should decide how a ball has to be set during the game. It would be great to discuss everything in advance.
Final Thoughts
Thank you so much for reading this article. As you can see, decision making plays a very important role in the sport of volleyball. Those volleyball players, who can make smart decisions during a game, can do a great job on the court and contribute greatly to the success of a volleyball team. On the other hand, a team may lose points due to making wrong decisions.
Decision making is a part of different aspects in volleyball such as hitting, blocking, setting, passing, digging, etc. So, it’s crucial for volleyball players to understand the importance of decision making process.
Volleyball players often have to make decisions within a short period of time during a game. That’s why it’s so important for volleyball players to develop team’s decision making skills. So, put a lot of focus on decision making and try your best to take your volleyball skills to the next level.
Best of luck!