How to Mentally Prepare for a Volleyball Game

  • April 3, 2018

Traditionally, athletes put too much focus on physical preparation when getting ready for volleyball matches. It’s worth noting that volleyball players choose to train more intensively and do game like drills, serve/receive drills as well as team drills for defence and offence prior to important volleyball tournaments. Above all, it’s very important for athletes to warm up properly before a volleyball game.

However, physical preparation is not everything when it comes to getting ready for a volleyball game. Actually, the preparation for a volleyball game consists of two stages: physical preparation as well as mental preparation. It’s important to know that mental preparation has a huge impact on volleyball player’s performance on the court.

Today, we’ll talk about the importance of the pre-game mental preparation in the sport of volleyball. Plus, we’ll give readers some tips on how to mentally prepare for a volleyball game. There are so many things you need to know about the mental preparation for a volleyball match. Read on to learn more about the essential elements of the pre-game mental preparation for volleyball.

Building Self-Confidence

It’s clear that volleyball players should always feel confident themselves on the court. Confidence is something that helps athletes to avoid making different types of mistakes during the game of volleyball. When athletes are confident, they often do a fantastic job on the court and demonstrate excellent results. So, the big question is – what helps volleyball players build their self-confidence? Let’s get the answer to this important question.

It’s crucial for athletes to attend volleyball practices regularly. Volleyball practices give athletes the perfect opportunity to sharpen their skills and mentally prepare for a match. Don’t miss volleyball practices before games! This negatively affects a volleyball player’s confidence and performance on the court. On the other hand, you’ll definitely feel confident in your abilities and will be well-prepared if you attend practices on a regular basis and work hard before a volleyball game. Train hard and train smart to get ready for a volleyball match physically and mentally.

Achieving Relaxation

Volleyball athletes often face various challenges and experience stress during the game. That’s why a volleyball player must have a strong mental fitness. Relaxation has a profound positive impact on athlete’s nervous system. Relaxation helps volleyball players manage pre-game stress as well as stress during the game effectively. In fact, volleyball players can achieve relaxation in a number of ways.

For example, a lot of volleyball players choose to take advantage of meditation to achieve relaxation before a volleyball game. Meditation before volleyball matches has many other important benefits. The reality is meditation helps clear body and mind. Meditation is something that boosts mood. Finally, athlete becomes stress resistant. Volleyball players can also improve their focus dramatically by meditating on a regular basis. It would be nice for a volleyball player to have a short meditation session prior to a game.

First of all, you need to find a comfortable and quiet place for meditation. Meditation should last no longer than 10 – 20 minutes. Close your eyes, clear your mind and try to relax. When meditating you also need to focus on deep breathing. It goes without saying that meditation will help you stay calm and mentally prepare for a volleyball game.

There are also athletes who choose to have fun before a volleyball game. It’s worth noting that having fun delivers multiple significant benefits to volleyball players of all skill levels. Having fun provides athletes with positive emotions. On the other hand, having fun helps athletes get rid of negative emotions and stay positive. Having a positive attitude throughout the game is crucial for volleyball player’s success.

Another big advantage is that volleyball players don’t think when they are having fun. That’s why they can achieve relaxation fast and easy. All of this means that having fun helps athletes prepare for a volleyball game mentally and contributes greatly to their success on the court. Volleyball players keep themselves entertained differently. For example, you can watch your favorite entertaining TV shows or movies prior to a volleyball match. You can also listen to music that provides you with positive emotions. It’s a great idea to have a meeting with your friends before a volleyball game. By doing so, you’ll be able to forget about the upcoming match for a while and relax.

Strengthening Attention and Concentration

Oftentimes, volleyball players get tired and that’s the reason why lose their focus during the game. It’s important to note that maintaining attention and concentration throughout a volleyball game is no easy task. That means that volleyball players need to develop their attention skill consistently.

Obviously, a volleyball player has to keep an eye on the ball during the game all the time. So, it makes a lot of sense for athletes to practise watching the ball. You need to pay a close attention to the ball while playing the game. Listen to the ball’s rhythm and do your best to predict where the ball is likely to go after serving, hitting, blocking, digging and passing. Remember, a ball always needs to be under your watch.

Watching a ball you’ll be able to train your eyes over time. However, the most important thing is that watching the ball will definitely help you strengthen your attention and concentration.


Visualization (also known as mental imagery) has to be a key part of athlete’s mental fitness program. Visualization provides volleyball players with many great benefits. Athletes can use mental imagery to relax, master skills and boost confidence prior to a match. Below, you’ll be able to find some mental imagery tips for volleyball players.

Visualization helps athletes overcome challenges during the game. You can imagine high stress situations that can happen during the game when visualizing. Afterwards, you also need to visualize the problem solving. It’s important for a volleyball player to think positively during visualization. In other words, you need to imagine the success on the court and focus your thoughts on a win.

You can also take advantage of visualization if you find it hard to perform a certain task on the volleyball court. Mental imagery can help you with mastering the necessary volleyball skill. Your job is to imagine the successful execution of a physical skill. In addition, you should visualize your positions and movements as well as your competitors on the volleyball court. This will help you get the most out of mental imagery and learn the skills.

Try to remember the most successful matches of your sport career before the upcoming volleyball match. Imagine how you performed well on the court and contributed to your volleyball team’s success. This will definitely help you boost your confidence and mentally prepare for the next volleyball game.

Analyzing the Videos of Volleyball Games

Analyzing the videos of great volleyball games needs to be a part of your training program. And of course, athletes should watch videos to prepare for the upcoming matches. Analyze the videos carefully and do your best to figure out what helps the legendary volleyball players achieve a huge success on the court. When watching videos you need to pay a close attention to digs, blocks, passes and attack hits. It’s a great idea to watch the videos with music. Listening to great music will help you relax and will boost your mood. As a result, you’ll be mentally prepared for a volleyball game.


Effective communication is a key to the success in volleyball and other sports. Coaches and volleyball players should be able to communicate effectively with each others before a game. Together a volleyball team has to set goals, discuss team’s strategies and training programs, plan pre-game routines and do many other important things.

The task of a head coach is to create the supportive environment where each member of a volleyball team will feel comfortable. Teammates should support each other during volleyball practices. If one player fails to master the necessary volleyball skills or makes mistakes on the court, coaches as well as teammates should give him/her a helpful advice. Only the united volleyball team can make a huge progress and win prestige tournaments!

Create a Pre-game Ritual

Athletes prepare for volleyball matches differently. Volleyball players listen to their favorite songs, visualize, meditate and do other activities that help them mentally prepare for a game and achieve the success on the court. Once you start participating in volleyball competitions, you’ll be able to test different mental training techniques. Sooner or later, you’ll be able to develop your own pre-game ritual.

Thank you so much for reading our article. Obviously, it’s incredibly important for athletes to be well prepared for volleyball competitions. Athletes should get ready for volleyball games mentally and physically. We’ve just provided you with some insights into mental preparation for a volleyball game. Now, it’s time for you to concentrate on developing your mental volleyball skills. Follow our tips to mentally prepare for the next volleyball match. Best of luck!