Warm-up Drills for Volleyball

Before the volleyball match or training players have to warm-up the whole body properly. It is worth noting that warm-up is vital to successful games. That’s why volleyball players should never neglect warm-up exercises and drills.
A lot of studies have found that warming up provides players with many important benefits. Among the top advantages of warm-up are: elevating body temperature, increased blood flow, preparing muscles for the volleyball game or practice, minimizing the risks of getting injuries during the game, increased flexibility as well as better performance.
It goes without saying that volleyball warm-up must be a part of player’s practice as well as player’s preparation for the game. There is no doubt that volleyball players have to use the ball during warm-ups. It is a good idea to play games during warm-ups as well. So, players will be able to loosen their muscles as well as prepare for the match properly. Here, we are going to provide the most effective warm-up drills for volleyball.
Ball Throw Drill
Ball throw drill is done by two volleyball players. Performing this drill also involves using the ball. Initially, two volleyball players have to stand in front of each other. Ideally, two players should be positioned on different parts of the court.
When the drill begins, players should throw the ball forth and back to each other using their hitting arms. Doing this volleyball drill allows volleyball players to warm up their hitting arms and shoulders properly. Performing this warm-up drill takes players a few minutes. Afterwards, players should also practice other warm-up drills for volleyball.
Defense Drill
Defense drill is performed by the entire team and it involves using at least 10 balls. A coach is involved in the drill as well. It is important to know that practicing this warm-up drill for volleyball also helps players improve their passing skills significantly.
Before the drill begins players should stand in front of the coach and create a line. A bunch of balls is located near the coach. A setter has to be positioned on the right side between the coach and players.
When the drill begins the coach tosses the ball to the 1-st player in the line. The task of the player is to pass the ball to a setter. After the pass, the 1-st player takes the setter’s position. Another player from the line moves to his or her place. At the same time, a setter goes to the coach and gives the ball to him or her. That means that balls will be constantly supplied to the coach during the drill.
Hitting Drill
Obviously, the main objective of this drill is to improve hitting drills of a player. However, hitting drill is also often practiced by volleyball players during the warm-up period to loosen the muscles. Hitting drill involves using at least three balls.
Before the drill begins players have to take the right positions on the court. The setter is positioned in the right front part of the court. A shagger goes to the opposite side of the court. Players need to create a line of outside hitters, a line of middle hitters as well as a line of right side hitters.
When the drill begins the coach tosses the ball to the setter. The task of a setter is to set the ball to the outside hitter. Finally, the outside hitter completes the hit. Now, it is time for the outside hitter to replace the shagger on his position. At the same time, the shagger takes the position of the outside hitter.
The coach tosses the ball to the setter once again. However, this time the setter has to set the ball to the middle hitter and the same actions are taken. The next time the ball is served to the right side hitter and the same process repeats again.
Passing Drill
Passing drill has to be done by two players. Performing this drill involves using the ball as well. Initially, two players have to stand in front of each other. The distance between players has to be about 10 feet. When the drill begins players start passing the ball to each other. While performing this drill it is incredibly important for players to make good passes. Practicing this drill for volleyball during a warm-up period helps players understand each other and make better passes during the game.
Pepper Drill
Pepper drill is another good drill that can be used by volleyball players for the purposes of warming up. However, this drill is required not only for warm-up. Doing pepper drill also helps players control the ball during the game as well as improves their passing, hitting and setting skills. This volleyball drill should be performed by either two or three volleyball players. The ball is also required for doing pepper drill. Now, we want to explain readers how to perform two person pepper drill in the right way.
Before to start doing the drill two players have to stand in front of each other, so the distance between them has to be about 20 feet.
When the drill begins Player 1 tosses the ball to Player 2. The task of Player 2 is to pass the ball back to Player 1. It is worth noting that Player 2 has to prepare for receiving the ball from the partner in advance. That means that Player 2 has to bend knees, put arms out as well as focus his or her weight on the toes. So, the ball goes back to Player 1.
Now, the task of Player 1 is to set the ball to Player 2. Afterwards, Player 2 completes a hit and the ball goes back to Player 1. As a result, Player 1 digs the ball and the drill repeats once again.
Serving Drill
It is not a surprise that serving skills are incredibly important for players during the game of volleyball. Practicing this drill provides volleyball players with the perfect opportunity to improve their serving skills as well as warm up their body before the game or practice properly.
Before the drill begins the equal amount of players have to be positioned on each side of the playing court. A ball is given to each player. Players on both sides of the court should be positioned across the back line of the court.
When the drill begins, players on both sides of the court start serving the ball at once. So, players will always have balls on their sides and will be able to serve them back.
Spike Drill
This drill is performed by two players. In order to practice this volleyball drill a ball is also required. Doing this drill helps volleyball players master the art of completing an attack hit. Moreover, spike drill will be definitely a good addition to the warm-up routine.
Before the drill begins two players have to stand across the court from each other. When the drill begins the 1-st player has to throw the ball in the air and then complete an attack hit. The task of a player is to land the ball on the opposite part of the court. So, after bouncing the ball should reach the 2-nd player. Then the second player has to do the same. Practicing this volleyball drill is incredibly important for warming up shoulders.
Youth Volleyball Warm-up Drills
This warm-up drill is usually practiced by young volleyball players. However, it can be performed by players of any age and levels. It is worth noting that this drill allows volleyball players to improve their reaction time and passing skills dramatically. This drill is suitable for warming up as well.
This warm-up drill for volleyball can be done by each of team’s players separately. When the drill begins a player has to throw the ball in the air by two hands. While the ball is in the air the player has to lay down on the floor. The task of a player is to catch the ball and don’t let it land on the floor. Moreover, while lying down during this warm-up drill for volleyball players should do their best to not bang their head on the floor.